Here is the summary from the July meeting:
Workshops: The next workshop is Embossing with Patricia Moody on Saturday 18th July. This workshop is now full as we are holding it at Club East and the room
being quite small we had to restrict numbers. Apologies for this if you were intending to book in. W
Workshops 2016: Pat has spoken to Colleen Little who unfortunately is unable to commit to a
workshop next year at this time. However it is possible she could be available towards the end of the year. Some other ideas were discussed and we have some exciting things in the pipeline. If you have any ideas about what you would like to have as workshops next year please contact the Workshop Coordinator or the President with your thoughts, it is
your society and we would like your input.
Workshop Bookings: Please email your booking and payment information (including the code)
to Meril Bowyer at or post to PO Box 714 Caringbah 1495. Direct debit details are available if you prefer to pay electronically.
Membership: We are pleased to welcome another new member, Colleen Collings, which brings
our current membership up to 24 and 5 life members.
Social Activities: On Monday 3rd August we will be visiting the Mary Rose Exhibition We will
meet at the Maritime Museum at 10am with coffee/lunch afterwards. Please let Mirielle know if you are coming, family, friends and partners are all welcome.
A tour of the QVB was also discussed and either the 7th or 14th September was suggested with a high tea afterwards.
The cost for the tour is $15 .The date will be confirmed at a later time. Please put these dates in your diaries and consider joining us.
Survey: Cathy approached Linda who advised she is no longer involved. Cathy will have a look at it when time permits.
Monthly Project: Don’t forget the monthly project, so far there has been a disappointing response to July so please consider joining in, in August. The word for August is “August” so put on your thinking caps and see what you can do.
You don’t need to do a quote, we would like just the single word Below is a reminder of the criteria.
The only criteria is A5 size landscape with a 4 cm margin on the left-hand side. This is with
a view of perhaps making your individual pieces into a small book at a later date. Apart from that you can do what you like – any paper, any colour, background
or no background, let you imagination run wild!
At the next Calliart session after the end of each month you can bring your letter to show it off and remember to send Cathy a photograph for the blog. Calliart: The next Calliart is on the 8th August when Cathy will be showing us the Neuland alphabet. This is not difficult and very versatile so please consider coming. The details will be on the blog.
Cathy has been contacted re CreARTivity for next year, it will be held in Cook Park at Kyeema. Glenis, Cathy and Gloria attended it this year and were very busy so it was decided it was worthwhile to be there again next year. The proposed dates are Saturday 9th April or Sunday 10th April. The Sunday would be more suitable for us. Cathy and Glenis have once again volunteered but if you feel like volunteering for a couple of hours I am sure they would be delighted.
Next Committee meeting: 8th August Penny Laver
Minutes Secretary
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