

Dear Members and Followers,

Our last Lettering Course for 2016 is Batarde.

The Batarde script is a generic term for a cursive writing of mixed Gothic parentage, used as a parallel script for less prestigious works, which developed into a variety of scripts in their own right. Speed was important but had to be impressive so developed many loops and linking letters. They covered the Gothic era from 12th to 16th Century. We will work with Batarde, Bastard Secretary and Schwabacher as these cover the French, English and German versions and which are similar but different, giving you some exciting and quite modern styles for your portfolio of scripts.

Requirements.  General Calligraphic gear of chisel pens, A3 pad, ruler etc.

Dates for this course are 29 October and 26 November 2016   This is now just a one day workshop!

Working with Vellum

Dear Members and Followers,

Our next workshop is Working with Vellum.

The workshop on Vellum will encourage more people to use the traditional
skills of working correctly with skin. We will discuss how to treat skin for
calligraphy and paintwork in the time honoured way concentrating on
completing a letterform in gold and using diapering as a background to
enhance the letter.
The usual calligraphic gear if you want to add some words, a fine brush for
paintwork, gouache or watercolour paints, a Micron or fine liner, ruler,
water jar, couple of small containers with lids, small palette, transfer
Small vellum pieces will be supplied at $15 or bring your own.  Gold, size
and other items needed will be supplied if needed at a small charge.

Out and About

Dear Members and Followers,

Every now and again I receive some news that is not strictly calligraphy related but may prove interesting. Here are two of those items. Enjoy