
February 2023 Calliarts - Ideal Italic

 Dear Members and Followers,

It is start of a new calligraphy year and we love bringing you Italic as our first script of the year.

The Italic script is one of the most adaptable and useful scripts in your kit bag of calligraphy

knowledge. For those with only a little experience we will look at the basic components that make it

Italic. Those with more experience will work on several extensions including a very spiky version. This

Calliart afternoon in February will get the year off to a good start re-enforcing what you might know

and taking you to areas you are not so familiar with. 

Materials list:
 A3 or A4 practice pad
 Ruler and pencil
 Ink – Black or Walnut
 Gouache or Water colour paint
 Any make of Chisel pen in several sizes. Manuscript, Windsor Newton, Speedball etc
 A5 or A4 piece of watercolour or calligraphy paper
 A Small quote

Date: Saturday, 10 February 2024
Time: 1.00pm – 4.00pm
Cost: $20.00 – Members, $25.00 – Non-Members
Place: Sylvania Community Centre - Canberra Road, Sylvania
(near Southgate Shopping Centre)
Bookings Essential:
Payment Options: Direct Deposit, Cash on the day or Cheque. When booking, please advise
which payment option you will be making.