
2016 Begins With ......

Dear Members and Followers,

Did Santa bring you a calligraphy set and you want to know how to use it?

Did you promise yourself to practice your calligraphy more as your New Year's Resolution?

Perhaps, at the stroke of midnight you said I want try something new!

If you answered yes to any of the above, then Calligraphy Southscribes can help.

Our lettering courses, one day workshops and Calliarts commence again in February.

Calliart Workshop - Make your Own Envelopes - Gloria Scott - 13 February 2016

In this workshop we will be making envelopes of various sizes, for cards, bookmarks, flat pack gifts and small gift cards. Note: Materials list will be available one week before the workshop.

Textura - Blackletter - 13th - 16th Century - Six Week Lettering Workshop - Gloria Scott - 
17 February - 23 March 2016

Textura, taken from the Latin, meaning texture or fabric, refers to the overall appearance of the writing on paper. Textura script was the most calligraphic form of Blackletter and was used throughout Western Europe well into the 17th Century.
The letters are vertical and parallel, the negative space between the letters is the dame width as the vertical pen strokes.

 Important Notice - We need a minimum number for a workshop or lettering course to run, failure to reach that minimum a week before the start date will result in the course or class being cancelled. Book early!

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