
Calliarts - A Modern Uncial

Dear Members and Followers,

Calliarts - Modern Uncial  with tutor Cathy Sayer

Modern Uncial is a great script for a novice or the seasoned Calligrapher.

The effect one can achieve is never disappointing, whether it is a word is written on a piece of scrap Saundersor Waterford paper, or a longer text. The beauty of this script is being able to use a monoline pen - it is an efficient, yet stylised scriptwhich always ‘looks good’ !

In this workshop, our tutor provided some of her inspiring samples and there wasample time to share our work and look at all the variation we could use
for the script - from varying the ‘x’ height size , the ‘down’ stroke ,to using
a myriad of colours and an occasional, unstated flourish or two.

Thank you RG.

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