
Calliarts - 8 August 2015

Dear Members and Followers,

Yours truly is taking the August calliarts, the script is Neuland.

Here is the materials list so you are all organised for the afternoon.

Materials list -
  • Usual calligraphy kit (A3 or A4 bond layout pad, ink, pens or chisel edge marker 5mm, ruler, eraser,) - if you want to copy my letters from the exemplar you will need to include a pen with a 5mm nib (Brause 5mm, William Mitchell size 0 or Speedball C size 0)
  • Tracing paper, at least 2 sheets of A4
  • HB and 2B pencils
  • Coloured Pencils, Water Colour Pencils and Metallic Coloured Pencils (if you have them and want to work on black paper - the metallic coloured pencils are very striking)
  • Some good paper any colour, any size (you may finish up with a completed master piece) include some black if you have some (miTentes is fine)
  • A small cutting knife, just in case you become inspired
  • Water jar and brushes if you are using Water Colour Pencils
 If you wish to create larger letters bring along an automatic, coit or parallel pen.

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